Thursday, September 2, 2010

Farm Dogs -German Shepherd?

German Shepherd Dog. Another breed to consider. Though not first choice, probably 3rd or 2nd choice groups of dogs, but definitely still into consideration. As the name stated, it is a Shepherd dog. Their primary job is to herd livestock and also guard them. Sounds perfect, right? Not so. This dog is highly intelligent, loyal and protective. They will, by all their means protect their owner and it's territory, even if it costs its life. Touched, right? But it also means they will not be friendly to intruders. Intruders like wild predators and strangers.

If our farm is to be a tourist-oriented farm, this breed may not be ideal. They may turn aggressive to the strangers, in this case, the tourists. Likewise, we may train the dog since young and let it socialise more with people, but there is no guarantee that it will be friendlier towards the tourists. For additional information, some experts say that, in fact, all dogs bite when provoked. It is not true that German Sheperd bite more frequently.

German Shepherd Dog is said to be the 3rd most intelligent dog, after Border Collie and Poodle.

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